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Comic Book Conversations #2: Susan Eisenberg

We have a very special guest for the second edition of Comic Book Conversations: Susan Eisenberg! In this interview, the voice of Wonder Woman from Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Injustice, and so much more explains what it’s like being a voice actor and shares her thoughts on 2017 being Diana’s biggest year yet. Now, let’s get to know Susan a little better.
GREGG KATZMAN: What did you do for work before becoming a voice actor?
SUSAN EISENBERG: How much time do you have?! I had so many jobs! I worked for casting directors, directors, writers… I worked in Rizzoli’s book store. I tried to work in things I cared about, or at least could tolerate. ;)
GK: When did you realize you wanted to become a voice actor and what gave you that epiphany?
SE: I don’t think I “knew” it back when I was in high school, but I did know that my voice stood out in some way because I did some radio ads for my dad’s business back in Rhode Island, where I grew up. And I realized I didn’t want to act in front of a camera, but rather in front of a microphone where I felt more comfortable and less self-conscious.
GK: Did you ever experience doubts about pursuing this career? If so, how'd you manage to stay positive and keep at it?
SE: Haha, I still do! I think you always have to practice staying positive and hopeful because the business is very challenging and very competitive. You have to love it, have a passion for it, and feel like there really isn’t anything else you’d rather be doing. This has always been something I have loved doing, but it is certainly not an “easy" profession.
GK: Do you prefer recording your lines by yourself or with the other people involved in the conversation? Or is it a case-by-case basis?
SE: I definitely prefer being with other actors if I'm doing animation because there’s something so valuable about having those exchanges, that interaction. With video games, you’re never with any of the other actors… You don’t have that choice. And with commercial recordings, there’s something very satisfying about working with the ad agency team to make their words come off the page. When it’s collaborative, there’s nothing like it!
GK: If someone reading this interview wants to become a voice actor, what advice can you offer them?
SE: Take acting classes and improv classes!! Study. Learn the craft of acting so that when you’re handed a page of dialogue, or ad copy, you can make something of it… And make it your own!
And don’t feel self-conscious! I mean, we’re all self-conscious to some extent, but the best actors I know are the ones who are the most fearless… The ones who aren’t afraid to try something big or small, and be willing to fail. ALWAYS BE FEARLESS!
GK: What do you think is one of the biggest misconceptions that fans have about voice actors?
SE: I think the fans know how much the voice actors bring to their video games, their animated shows, and films. It’s the people who aren’t necessarily fans who don’t realize the skill set involved, and that at the end of the day, we’re actors just like the people in front of the cameras!
GK: What's the most rewarding and most challenging part about being a voice actor?
SE: Where do I start? It’s a great job, and I love it still! You can bring characters to life… Give voice to something that touches someone, inspires someone… And that is a tremendous gift. I never wanted to be someone who worked in film… Who sat in a trailer all day waiting to work. I love the pace of voice over... It’s speedy!
The challenge is making a living at it. At the end of the day, you’re an actor looking for work. If you’re lucky, you have a great agent, and you're auditioning every day. And that’s where the staying positive and hopeful comes into play. If it’s truly your passion, you have to stay in it, through the ups and downs. Because for most actors, there will be good times and slow times… But you have to keep going!
GK: When you originally landed the role of Wonder Woman, how did you get into character and find Diana's voice?
SE: I didn’t really have to get into character because the voice I auditioned with is mostly the voice they wanted for her. What I did have to do was focus on maintaining both her strength and dignity because as much as she’s a warrior, she is also a princess.
The truth is I fell in love with her the day Bruce Timm showed me the drawing of her for Justice League, and I’ve never fallen out of love with her.
GK: What's it like seeing Wonder Woman's popularity skyrocket and knowing that you are the voice of Diana to countless fans?
SE: It’s extraordinary because so many of her fans have waited decades to see Wonder Woman, a character whom they love and admire, have her time in the spotlight. They have sat through and supported countless Batman and Superman projects, all the while pining (no, pun intended) for Diana to be represented as well. And now, at long last, she is!
As for voicing Wonder Woman, I still pinch myself that I’ve gotten to do it for so many years. She’s an iconic character for sure, but more than that, she’s a beloved heroine who means so much to so many, and for that, I feel truly honored! When we recorded the Justice League and JLU, there wasn’t social media, so we didn’t realize the impact of the shows. But now through Twitter and comic cons, we’re connecting with fans who were introduced to these stories and characters through them. And for so many, those attachments and affection still endure. I am grateful for that each and every day!
GK: Is there anything else you'd like to add about your career or upcoming work?
SE: Well, I’d love to share with you about some upcoming projects, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy.
Ultimately the career goal is to keep doing this thing I love to do. It’s a wonderful (wink, wink) profession, and I’m in it for the long run. Stay tuned!
GK: Thank you so much, Susan!

Thanks for reading the interview! You can follow Susan on Twitter here and you can follow me on Twitter here for updates about the site.


  1. I... Holy crap, I read that in Wonder Woman's voice! :O

    I watched JL and JLU religiously. It was odd for me, because I was never overly fond of DC at the time. I was a Marvel kid. But there was a certain something about the DCAU that drew me in. They have aged so well too. You can still watch JL and JLU as an adult. I swear, if Susan Eisenberg, Kevin Conroy, and all the rest ever get together for a new series, I might die.

    1. Well, there's a big push for a JL reunion. Fingers crossed!

  2. Awesome! I was always a big fan of her work as a kid.

  3. I definitely think Eisenberg embodied the voice and characteristics of Wonder Woman more than Gadot IMO. It was cool to read about her work before Justice League and her insight into voice acting. Great interview!

    1. Thanks for reading the interview and sharing your thoughts!


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