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Review by Gregg Katzman |
- Ed Brisson (writer)
- Juan Ferreyra (artist)
- VC's Cory Petit (letterer)
Can anyone help me understand why artist Juan Ferreyra isn't attached to regularly illustrate a comic series? How has no one picked up this guy to consistently provide artwork for an ongoing title?! His work on Green Arrow Rebirth was brilliant, and now he's brought that same level of talent to the pages of a Marvel comic. If Marvel doesn't lock him on a title, another publisher should sweep in and put this vastly underrated artist to work on a consistent basis.
Just look at the examples of his artwork on the right and below. These are two completely different scenes, yet both are done masterfully. The one on the right is quiet and relies 100% on character and atmosphere. It's literally just Logan entering an apartment and looking at the damaged window - it's that simple. But the way we follow Logan makes everything flow so well. That's all thanks to keeping the perspective engaging and putting a tremendous amount of passion into making both the character and the environment feel real. Nothing feels glossed over. The establishing shot makes you feel the warm day outside before pulling you into the haunting and dark crime scene. Ferreyra's pencils are topnotch, but his consistently astonishing use of color and shading really elevates every single panel in the issue. Don't believe me? Take a little more time to appreciate every single panel on the right. Seriously, it's time well spent.
Ferreyra's an expert visual storyteller. He can deliver the intimate nature of those quiet character moments and the dialogue-heavy moments, but his handling of action is a total blast. Something as ordinary as Bullseye throwing a card at someone could be shown in two simple panels: the card being thrown by Bullseye, and then the card either hitting or missing its target. Instead, take a look at the action scene below and analyze how it plays out across both pages. The establishing shot sets up the entire conflict and the distance between Bullseye and Old Man Logan and Vendetta - it's a cool way to really appreciate the scale of the battle. But then we pull in to see how Bullseye responds to the gunfire. Instead of a close-up of Bullseye throwing the card and then a close-up of Logan shoving Vendetta out of the way, we get two panels that are dedicated to Bullseye's perspective while he throws the card directly at his target - we get to appreciate how he effortlessly throws it with such accuracy. Then we get two more panels as we follow the card (complete with a bullet zipping under it) as it heads straight towards Vendetta. Way better than a simple pair of "throw and dodge" panels, right? To top it off, I also enjoy how each onomatopoeia stands out and enhances the chaotic scene without getting in the way of the action. The same could be said for the use of "snikt!" in the page above.
Okay, I've praised Ferreyra enough at this point, right? Let's talk about Brisson's writing. Just like the artwork, this issue flows really well - I've read the issue twice now and there isn't a dull moment. There's a decent amount of exposition to make sure Old Man Logan #43 is new reader-friendly, but that's because this story relies pretty heavily on his previous work - not just in Old Man Logan, but also his Bullseye limited series.
Obviously, Brisson knows that not everyone has followed along, so he's got to sprinkle in some mandatory exposition about who key characters are and what has gone down in previous stories - this is the first issue in a new story arc, after all. Exposition is unavoidable, but it's the handling of it that truly matters. Thankfully, Brisson's got a gift for dialogue - he knows how to make dialogue feel natural instead of just informative. The exposition doesn't weigh down the issue, especially since the art is so engrossing and everything moves pretty quickly. Under another writer, this issue definitely could've dragged and only used Bullseye as a teaser on the cliffhanger page. As you can tell by now, that wasn't the case at all.
Old Man Logan #43's got just the right amount of twisted horror that any good Bullseye story should have - he's a psychotic monster, after all. Making this clash unpredictable instead of straightforward (e.g. Bullseye throwing stuff, Logan dodging and lunging at Bullseye) makes it far more memorable and exciting. After all, once Logan gets close to Bullseye, it's tough to swallow the villain lasting very long without blatantly downplaying the elderly X-Man's capabilities. We all know Logan will eventually get his hands on Bullseye, but the creative handling of the story and the intensity of the action definitely leaves me wanting more.
Thanks for reading my review of Old Man Logan #43! Follow me on Twitter and like the Comic Book Conversations Facebook page for site updates.
Great review, very well written. I haven't been following Old Man Logan but this seems like it would be a good place to start
ReplyDelete- EmperorThanos
Thank you, and yes, this is a great jumping on point. Even if you haven't been following Brisson's OML or read his Bullseye limited series, it's still a terrific issue that has enough exposition to catch you up. Hope you enjoy it!
DeleteWell written, and this might have inspired me to check out an OML book. Bullseye is a great villain=)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Michael! Bullseye's a blast... and it looks like he'll be in season 3 of Daredevil!